Saturday, February 9, 2008


An account of every day of dark chocolate could help prevent heart disease, according to a study conducted by a team of Swiss researchers. The Swiss researchers say that the anti-oxidants chocolate could prevent blood veins to be smaller and less extensive.

The research team came to this conclusion after testing in a group of 20 volunteers who were smokers without health problems. Subjects were asked not to eat any foods rich in antioxidants, such as apples, onions and cabbage and after they were given 40 grams of different types of chocolate.

Two hours after eating chocolate, the echo-graph showed that chocolate black, with a percent of cocoa, at least 74%, significantly improved the flow of blood. In addition, further tests showed that the risk of accidents and find blockages of blood has been reduced to half of the initial risk. However, white chocolate did not achieve similar effects. The researchers who conducted the study say that black chocolate contains the largest amount of antioxidants of a gram than any other products such as red grapes, green tea or fruit woods.

Chocolate is a food that has many elements in the anti-oxidant. But it also contains fat and glucoses in large quantities. Thus, it can cause weight problem if consumed in excess.

The best thing to do is to adjust your portion of chocolate to your actual weight and the amount of physical effort that makes every day. To be engaged in a great deal of effort can consume chocolate without fear of weight problem. But those who are not, like people who work in offices all day sitting in a chair and not make any kind of sport is facing a big problem if we eat too much chocolate. If the agency does not call for sweets, like it does when we are cold, tired or exhausted, then use the chocolate should be reduced to a minimal portion of the day.

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